Glioma Cereberum:

Glioma Cereberum:
Schwannoma: Ependymoma: Astrocytoma: Medulloblastoma:
Congestive heart failure ( CHF ) is a condition when abnormality of cardiac function is responsible for inability of heart to pump blood at ...
(exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, chronic cough, hepatomegaly, neck vein distention, peripheral edema) trisomy 13) (trisomy 21) ( Trisomy 18)...
Dietary Deficiency of vitamins (A, C, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine) Deficiency of trace elements (zinc, molybdenum) Fungal contamination...
replacement of the normal distal stratified squamous mucosa by metaplastic columnar epithelium containing goblet cells Prolonged and recurre...
Communication between the intra-abdominal splanchnic circulation and the systemic venous circulation portal hypertension induces the formati...
Longitudinal tears in the esophagus at the esophagogastric junction chronic alcoholics after a bout of severe retching or vomiting, but they...
Achalasia cardia incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter in response to swallowing. This produces functional obstruction of ...
Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi , which causes destruction of the myenteric plexus of the esophagus, duodenum, colon, and ureter...
(A) Click to view. (B) Click to view. (A) Reserve cells in the transformation zone are continuous with the basal cells of the ectocervix and...
Sialolithiasis ( Salivary duct stones) Sialadenitis (Inflammation of Salivary glands) Viral e.g. mumps parotitis Bacterial especially in p...
Aphthous ulcers ( canker sores) Superficial erosions, often covered with a gray-white exudate and having an erythematous rim triggered by s...
Leukoplakia refers to a whitish, well-defined mucosal patch or plaque caused by epidermal thickening or hyperkeratosis, On microscopic evalu...
(Click to View )
HAV does not cause chronic hepatitis or a carrier state. Case fatalities from HAV occur at a very low rate, when patients have preexisting ...